DC Solar LLC Ceases Operations 12/31/21
Effective 12/31/2021 DC Solar LLC is no longer installing new solar systems. Continuity of maintenance and customer service for customers with existing DC Solar installed systems is handled through an O&M provider.
The @dcsolar.io email domain remains active, so if you need to reach someone previously from DC Solar LLC for one of the following reasons, please see appropriate instructions below:
Owners of DC Solar LLC installed solar systems requiring service, maintenance, or warranty assistance on your solar installation, please reach out to your DC Solar sales contact via email and they will get you in touch with the O&M provider to assist. If you do not have the email of your sales contact or you receive no answer, you may try at info@dcsolar.io.
Homeowners who have purchased a home with an existing DC Solar LLC installed solar system on the roof and with questions regarding this system, please contact info@dcsolar.io.